Centralized Denial Management: Increasing Visibility and Cost Savings

In the dynamic landscape of revenue cycle management (RCM), medical billing teams and owners are often faced with the challenges of navigating increasingly small margins and efficient resource allocation across a diverse client portfolio.

RCM operations often take place in many different software platforms, spreadsheets and shared drives. Managing costs and resource allocation for tens to hundreds of practices, internal and outsourced labor, materials, and time can seem like an impossible feat.

Jeff Robertson, Founder and CEO of Nexsys Medical Billing (a multi-specialty financial operations consulting firm with a client base that spans from the west coast to the east coast) had an objective of obtaining complete visibility into the costs and resources for each client separately.

Jeff and his team wanted a solution that could provide better insights into where their resources and costs were being spent, and a single source of truth for running their operations.

Too Many Systems

Prior to utilizing DocVocate’s platform, the Nexsys team was logging into 6 software platforms and referencing multiple spreadsheets to track team productivity. Without a single repository for all denials, the team was wasting time logging in to each system, and had a difficult time holistically tracking whether the team was meeting their productivity goals.

Jeff’s team needed a solution that centralized their denials, while also providing metrics on effective resource allocation and productivity.

This is when Nexsys decided to partner with DocVocate. DocVocate’s platform automatically identifies denials across all of their clients regardless of the Practice Management system, providing a unified data source for the entire team to work from. It also automatically tracks payer deadlines and allows Jeff and his team to easily analyze and address productivity gaps. When it comes to resource allocation, with a single click the team can quickly see where there might be over or understaffing, and adjust their practice assignments accordingly.

Image of Doctor writing prescriptions
Efficient Collaborating

“We can have a new client added to the platform within a day”

Image of customer name Jeff Robertson
Jeff Robertson
CEO at Nexsys
Image of doctor writing prescriptions

DocVocate’s Platform Enables More Efficient Expansion

“When you start digging into the costs per client and analyzing your own internal processes and your outsourced SOPs, you are faced with a lot of inefficiencies and waste…Transitioning to a solution like this was the flashlight we needed.” said Jeff.

The Nexsys team has integrated DocVocate’s platform into their daily operations, and the benefits have been clear; centralized denial management enables better resource and cost management, and the ability to quickly scale.

“Now we get ONE invoice a month, with reporting itemized and broken down by client…and we get complete transparency into the timeliness and workflows across our denials management processes.” Jeff shared.

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Filing manual appeals? DocVocate is here to show you a better way, empowering your team to take back control of their day.
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